Chiropractic Testimonials

***Results may vary from patient to patient***

"Chiropractic treatment has saved my life and has improved my quality of life. Having suffered from chronic pain most of my life and taking medications, I still needed help because nothing worked right. My back, head, arms and hands hurt. Chiropractic has given me a new lease on life! One day my left arm went numb and I had tingling in my face, I thought I was having a heart attack. After several medical tests the verdict was, "You need to see a chiropractor because you need traction for your neck." The numbness, tingling, and manipulation were all caused by the need of chiropractic therapy. Dr. dino has made my life livable again!"

- Joy S.

"I was referred to Dr. Dino by a co-worker. All my visits have been very wonderful, but I was most impressed with my first visit and the time that was taken to explain everything to me. When you understand why you hurt, and you see the changes through Dr. Dino's therapy, you can't help but to be amazed. Dr. Dino's staff is always kind, caring and considerate as to what your individual needs may be. I would definitely recommend Dr. Dino to all my friends and family for their chiropractic needs."

- Anna S.

"I was involved in 2 back, to back car accidents. Dr Dino and his team got me through the pain."

- Melanie C.

"For many years I had suffered with upper back pain, neck pain and stiffness, lack of mobility and hand and arm pain. I made an appointment with Dr. Dino and started coming here on a regular basis where the staff set me up on a treatment plan. They made sure that I received very personal care and attention and I have always been treated nicely. My results have been very good!

I would highly recommend the services here and I plan to continue to see Dr. Dino."

- Phillip G.

"Dr. Dino – Thank you!

Having suffered with back and neck pain off and on for over 20 years due to having been in two previous car accidents where I had been hit from behind, I KNEW that I had problems with my neck and back that were probably not going to go away.

I did not realize how well my neck and back had taken to Dr. Dino’s adjustment methods until recently when I was hit in the back – twice – in a matter of seconds, by a car behind me in traffic. I immediately tensed up, fearing the worst – that my neck – which I had been told had developed arthritis, and my back – which had vertebrae that had grown close together – were going to cause me so much pain the next day that I would not be able to function. Surprisingly, the next day when I awakened, there was NO PAIN OR STIFFNESS in either my back OR my neck, and the car had hit me so hard that my hat was knocked off my head! The only thing that I could think of was that the techniques that Dr. Dino had used on my neck and upper back had strengthened those areas so much that they were not easily dislodged during the accident! That was two weeks ago, and I still have no complaints with either my back OR my neck.

I have had chiropractic adjustments in the past, beginning with my first accident in 1984, when I was hit from behind – twice – in a matter of seconds, similar to this latest accident. I have never had an adjustment last as long as the one Dr. Dino performed on me in September.

Thank you so much, Dr. Dino, for continuing to educate yourself so that you can offer your patients the latest in chiropractic technology! I am forever grateful to you because I didn’t have to walk around with a stiff neck and sore back here in Oklahoma where I now live.

You and your staff are the BEST!"

- Cheryl J.

"For 3 years, a friend of mine urged me to go to a chiropractor and for 3 years I adamantly refused because I didn’t think they could really help me. Then came November 2008, when I was opening doors during carpool duty at my school and suddenly got pain radiating from my neck and upper back. I couldn’t turn my neck from side to side or up and down. I was in so much pain that I started popping Ibuprofen around the clock to no avail. I even tried muscle relaxers and pain pills on the weekend, with still no success. I rarely miss school, but ended up missing 2 days that week because the pain had become unbearable and began radiating down my arm.

After 2 weeks of this, I was sick and tired of hurting and was told by numerous people to see a primary care physician, a massage therapist, a chiropractor and a neurologist. Massage therapy hadn’t helped so because I’m a Type I Diabetic, I decided to contact my Endocrinologist and once I described my pain and symptoms, she immediately told me that I needed to see a Chiropractor and referred me to Dr. Dino. Since she gave it her seal of approval, and since I was in so much pain, I called Dr. Dino’s office after hours on a Wednesday and left a message. They called me back that night and got me in the next morning. I started therapy that first visit and could feel a difference after a few visits. I have no pain now, but will continue the individualized plan Dr. Dino set out for me to ensure my complete recovery.

Dr. Dino and his staff have been a Godsend to me! Not only has my pain been taken away, but I have enjoyed coming to my appointments. He and his staff are so friendly and caring, it is unbelievable. They even helped me work out a financial plan to make my treatment affordable to me. A doctor who would give his patient his cell phone number in case of an emergency after hours is unheard of these days. I can’t say enough positive things about Dr. Dino and his staff!!"

- Kim S.

"For years I have suffered from neck and lower back pain, I was also depressed due to hurting all the time. A friend kept telling me to go see Doctor Dino. I did not think he could help me and I was afraid of going to a doctor in a field I knew nothing about.

I have never taken care of my body and knew if I did see Dr. Dino it could be a long process trying to repair the issues I ignored throughout my life in regard to not listening to my body.

I finally got the courage to see Dr. Dino. The interview was very pleasant; after reviewing my medical history and reviewing the x-ray, he explained what he could do to help me. The treatment involved some time and I needed to be committed to feeling better. Now, several months later, I am feeling better, I sleep longer, I can turn my head side to side and my emotional health is stronger. I will continue my treatments due to so many repairs needed for my body to heal.

I also attended the health class Dr. Dino offers his patients. I learned about nutrition, this may help me lose weight and eat healthier. Thanks to Dr. Dino I may extend my career several more years because I am feeling stronger emotionally and physically. Dr. Dino really cares about his patients and their quality of life. THANK YOU DR. DINO!"

- Kay M.

"I started visiting Dr. Dino after I was rear ended in a car accident. I also had had previous issues with my back and was experiencing severe tension headaches due to my stressful job as a nurse. All the pain medicine I took never helped my back, it just made me drowsy. After seeing Dr. Dino for a couple of months, I have more energy and less pain. He has encouraged me to take better care of myself, teaching me good posture, better eating habits and providing me with exercise tips. Not to mention he is the NICEST Doctor I’ve ever met. I know that even after my treatment is over, I will continue to visit Dr. Dino’s office so that the tension and stress I experience from my job will continue to be relieved thanks to my office visits. I also love the staff! They are great! Thanks Dr. Palividas!"

- Ashley N.

"One morning I woke up in excruciating lower back pain. Bent over in half, I inched along the wall of my bedroom and I knew I could not do my daily routine in that condition. I called Dr. Dino, because I had confidence that he could help me get through whatever was wrong- and get out of pain.

Today, I can say I have had 100% success! I am pain-free, and not only am I walking, I am running a few miles a day everyday as I used to do.

I have a lifestyle full of commitments, but my therapy visits were a relaxing part of my week. In addition to unlocking my lower back, I enjoyed coming because I knew that the peaceful office music, the massage, and the “magic table” would be a positive part of my day. I think that the whole office’s confidence that I would definitely get better in time helped shape my own confident attitude that I would heal. (You definitely get the impression that they have faith!)

Every visit included this question: “So, how far have you progressed now?” or “what percent better would you say you are?” Today, I am 100% better, in terms of pain, than the day of my first visit.

I recommend this office to you without reservation!"

- Anita C.

"In April 1995 I was involved in a wreck that left me with soft tissue damage. I was doing fine just after physical therapy ended, but that did not last. I started experiencing numbness, tingling, and burning sensations under my shoulder blades. Things would intensify during periods of high stress and my life was very stressful! I started exploring options to help with my back and shoulders. One of my friends suggested chiropractic care and I was skeptical. I started seeing her “non-traditional” chiropractor and things started to improve, but again the effects didn’t last long and her methods were definitely non-traditional. It wasn’t until my company was going through layoffs—a very stressful time—that I started asking around for a “traditional” chiropractor and Dr. Dino was recommended. I started in November of 2003 visiting him on a regular basis and have had great success in the reduction of my symptoms. Stress never goes away so I don’t think my visits to Dr. Dino ever will either! Dr. Dino and his staff have taken great care of me over the years and have let me drop in whenever I needed. They have become more than my caregivers; they have become my friends!"

- LeGay N.

"I have been a patient of Dr. Dino Palividas for over 8 months. I originally went to see him because I was experiencing pain, starting at my right hip and radiating down my leg. This happened whenever I stood on my feet for any significant length of time.

My GP thought I should see a physiotherapist, but I was not so sure that this would fix the problem. My niece suggested that Dr. Dino Palividas might be able to help, as he has helped her mother (my sister). I came to see Dr. Dino Palividas, who after a thorough examination (including x-rays) started treating me. Today, I am pain-free and delighted to be able to resume my activities as usual.

During this time, I also had an unfortunate car accident—my car was totaled and I suffered from severe whiplash. Again, Dr. Dino came to the rescue! His treatment plan was very thorough; he and his team are caring a compassionate. I am happy to say that I am totally recovered from the trauma of the accident, including the soreness in my neck/shoulders, headaches and general malaise.

Most of all, Dr. Dino’s very caring and thoughtful approach and the staff at the clinic have been great. I feel so comfortable and relaxed with him and his team. They listen carefully, ask the right questions and are sensitive to the needs of their patients. For someone who has experienced pain, this type of approach to care is important and they truly cared about my well-being. Also, the bright, friendly smiles every time I came for my visit made me feel very welcomed and cared for. I really appreciate their care and consideration. I felt very special indeed.

I would highly recommend Dr. Dino and his very capable team—not only with addressing my physical aches and pains and their kindness that puts me at ease and comforts me. I feel that I can trust them with my well-being."

- Farida B.

"Two years ago, I was off work due to an inflamed disc in my lower back. After bed rest and shots in my lower back, I was able to start back on track to recovery. However, I suffered with constant pain and sciatic nerve pain which caused me to limp. I would start my day with pain killers in order to just make it through the day. Two months ago, one of my colleagues referred me to Dr. Dino. Honestly, I was skeptical at first but I was willing to try anything in order to avoid the pain and eventually having to go through surgery. Dr. Dino is a God Send! I started my treatments in May and a month later, I realized surgery was a definite thing of the past. Today, I wake up with no pain and on days that I feel pressure in my lower back or my left leg, it disappears with just a visit to Dr. Dino’s clinic. I would recommend anyone reading this testimonial to do yourself a favor and stay healthy the natural way. With Dr. Dino’s treatments, I no longer have to take any medicines, my energy level has gone up and I am able to do the things I have had to eliminate in the past. I thank Dr. Dino each time I go to visit him. His clinic has a warm and welcoming feel to it, starting with Pat and Kadie at the front desk. He has now made us feel like we are a part of his family; we are welcome at his clinic anytime. Thank you to Pat for being so easy and flexible to deal with. Kadie, thank you for taking care of me and my family. And Dr. Dino, may God bless you and give you the ability to assist and improve the quality of life for patients like me. Thank you!"

- Arzina Z.


9:30am - 4:00pm

9:30am - 4:00pm


9:30am - 4:00pm


8:00am - 12:00pm


Chiropractic Consultants of Houston

909 Dairy Ashford St # 103
Houston, TX 77079

P: (281) 589-2424

F: (281) 589-2476